Sunday, October 30, 2011

OKAY!! This is why I shouldn't blog at 3:00ish in the morning. I was under the impression that I sent the post. As we now see, I did not.

3:11 AM: I am passed the 72 hour mark. According to a few articles, it's the 72 hour mark that is the hardest. We'll see. I've been relatively stress free this weekend. It's been quiet for the most part.  I do notice though that I am still on auto-pilot when I am doing some lengthy reading. Or in the middle of a project.

I am yawning a lot. (Could it be that it's ermmm 3:19  in the morning, genius?) Hmm..lololol...could be.

I wanted to share some thoughts on this addiction piece and the mind f%$^ that accompanies it. I don't appreciate the marketing twist to get folks to buy a program for smoking cessation by making claims that they can make quitting easy.

If it were that easy to quit, more folks would have done it by now.

Such a vicious cycle it is. In order to quit, some folks use a patch or gum. I'm not saying anything is wrong with the folks who use those tools. I'm saying that it's a funky trap that keeps folks stuck in a cycle of quitting and relapsing.

Perfect example of the Hegelian dialectic. They create the problem, which in this case, is the addiction. Then they come along with the solution, or easier way to quit (which just happens to contain nicotine). What sense does it make to treat the addiction with the very thing that's harming the individual. Please don't misunderstand, I get that folks want to wean off, however, to me, that is just prolonging the inevitable, thus making it much harder to quit.

That's all I have to say right now because, my eyelids are dropping. And I do not want to start typing a bunch of

Till Next Time...
Waughndaye Wonstep Attatyme

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