Thursday, October 27, 2011

Official Quit Time: 12:01 AM: Update: In The Middle of Day One.

Oooo weee...I'm here. It's been since 12:01 AM that I haven't smoked a cigarette.
It's almost 12:00 PM my time.

My nostrils felt funky on the inside, and my head felt a little woozy this morning - Neti Pot to the rescue!! YAY!!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with a Neti Pot, it's a device used to clean out your nasal passages. Just Google, "Neti Pot" to get a visual.

There are no cigarettes or remnants of ciggs around me. Triggers are gone. I replaced the ashtray with a candy dish full of those puffy mints and Werthers Originals. I really like those. I have several bottles of water around me at arms length.

In my purse, I have some Red Hots. For some reason, that hot cinnamony taste does something for me, in terms of quelling the urge. What's the science behind that, if there is any? lol

I was doing something earlier and the urge to smoke came out of nowhere. It's like, the urge waits until you are really engrossed, to creep up and catch you off guard.

Well, I grabbed some water. Sipped it. Took a deep cleansing breath. The urge lingered for a bit, but it left me.

I also feel itchy. I wonder what that's about.  Yes, I showered this morning..lololol.

I think I am afraid to eat. I always smoke after I eat. I think I'll just have smaller portions so I don't get that "full" feeling which is the trigger.

One thing for sure, quitting requires that you know ever aspect of your habit in order to break it.

I may check back in, and type some more later on.

My tummy is growling - it's lunch time.

Yours in Smokefreeness,

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