Saturday, April 7, 2012

I've Been Thinking...(Take Cover!!!)

I've been contemplating/reflecting upon The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism lately and smoking cessation. I just want to remind everybody that I am not a Buddhist. Not that I find anything wrong with Buddhism (clearly), I just don't want to lead folks to think that I am something that I am not, or that I have knowledge about a subject that I do not have. Also, please understand that I am not proselytizing Buddhism. I just seem to click with its precepts as it relates to my recovery and understanding myself and my addiction to nicotine.

Okay! Ready? Here we go!

The Four Noble Truths are;
There is suffering in this life.
The cause of suffering is attachment. ( my words; egoistic attachments to people/places/things viewed through/based upon an illusion.)
The way out of suffering is attainable.
The method to stop suffering is adherence to the Eightfold Path.

Okay, Obi. We got it. Now What?

It hit me that, as it relates to smoking, that we suffer needlessly because of our attachment to an illusion, that we attach to the thing we are addicted to. The other reason why we are suffering is because of someone else's attachment to greed (money). Remember when I was talking about folks who make money off of us? I'm talking about the same people, right here.


Well, watch this; we feel bad when we quit smoking, because of our mental/physical addiction/attachment to cigarettes. We are (mentally) attached to an illusion caused by advertising and influence/faulty thinking that leads us to believe that, not only do we need cigarettes, but that, it's damn near impossible to quit. (Which opens the door to cessation drugs, devices.)

We are attached to an illusion that we HAVE to HAVE ciggs because of advertising, easy access, and other external factors.

It is an illusion, that we HAVE to HAVE cigarettes because they keep us calm, by soothing us when weare upset and it keeps us company.

It is an illusion, that we cannot live without cigarettes because the nicotine literally toys with our brain, causing us to feel withdrawal, when we stop.

Think about this for a minute; We were not born with a necessity for smoking.

Now, I'm approaching this part very delicately, because I DO NOT want to offend anyone but, with the exception o individuals who were born addicted to a host of drugs (because of selfish, absent-minded mothers who refused to quit smoking while pregnant *rolling my eyes*), we were NOT born addicted to nicotine. So therefore, it stands to reason that the craving for nicotine, comes as a result of external influences. I doubt very, very, very seriously, that those of us who are ex-smokers, and those still smoking, woke up one day and said. "Oooo, it's such a sunny day outside...I think I will start smoking, because I really want to become addicted to nicotine (Happy Smile)." NOT!!

WE ex-smokers and those still smoking, started smoking to fill a void. The void could have been anything. It could have been acceptance/trying to fit in for example, looking cool with the kids who were smoking when we were younger. The void could have been solitude. The void could have even been, I need something to do with my hands or I need something to calm me down, or I want to get higher, let me smoke this cigarette. Either way, an illusion was involved in our starting and maintaining smoking.

The question I think we have to ask ourselves at some point is, "How do we kill the illusions that make us feel that we have voids in our lives, and if we do, how do we fill them, so that we don't try to fill them with artificial means again, in the future?"

When will we say, enough. "I am not going to suffer behind this anymore!!"

Honestly, that is for each person to decide on his/her own.

When you get a chance, do me a favor.  Sit down in a protected and quiet space, and after  you say this piece to yourself, meditate, reflect on it for a while.. "Right now, here in this moment, I acknowledge that I am whole, just as I am. I do not need  (fill in your dragon to slay) to complete me."

Please know that you are not alone in your quest to quit and/or to stay quit.

Like I shared in an earlier post, I may not post every day, but I am here - fighting right along with you, daily to Stay Quit.

Huge Gi-normous love to My Rocktober Family wherever in the world, you may be.

One Big Human Love,
(Throwing my arms around the world, to huggg everybody who will receive it.)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Marchin' On....

As of March 27th I am five months in. Yay, me!! Yay to everyone celebrating a Quit  anniversary. Yay to everybody who has Quit, and to everyone who is thinking about Quitting.

Big Huggs for pass the celery and the spinach dip. :o)

I tend to think of a lot of concepts at once which makes it appear that mymind is like a rollercoaster. In some ways, it is.  Please are with me. It's gonna seem like I'm all over the place, but I will get
to the bottom of what it is, that I'm sharing.

Do you ever get the feeling that you are the only one playing by the rules, that were taught to you, by your grandparents/parents/guardians, or the rules/ethics/morals that you established for yourself as you got older?

Now, I need to be clear. I'm not talking to the folks who have been taught destructive
rules which include hating other people for no good reason. This isn't that type of blog
and I'm not that type of person.

I'm also not talking about rules like, "Don't wear white after Labor Day or before Memorial Day,"
or, "Don't mix your peas with your mashed potatoes." *giggle*

Nope. I'm talking about the rules like, "Fairness; Being respectful to elders; Having patience with children; Don't date anyone your friend has ever dated;  Don't steal; Don't hurt folks feelings if you don't have to;  Being honest, without eing destructive; Looking out for your fellow human being; Being conscious of the earth and those who live on it.

Why is it that the people who are about destruction, hate, and chaos, seem to get away with whatever it is that they are doing? Is it me, or do they have some connect to the universe that permits them to do what they want, how they want, and to whom they want to do it?

I mean, take us for example. There are people who work for various companies who (subconsciously) rely on us to keep smoking. The way I see it, if we smoke, we contribute to the following and this is by no means, a complete list;
Smokers keep tobacco companies up and running.
Smokers help to keep conveniance stores open and folks behind the counter employed.
Smokers help to keep physicians employed, particularly cardiologist, ENT Specialists,
Smokers help to keep folks who create Smoking Cessation Programs and supplements employed.
Smokers help to keep the pharmaceutical companies employed.

Now pause for a second and think about this; These people have sat back, and developed a method for folks to become addicted to their product. They push the product in an underhanded way, left and right.  Folks who are still smoking  are paying their money, for these companies to kill them.
It's like putting a bounty on your own head, just waiting for the time when you are cut down.

These folks are counting on Smokers, to stay addicted. Why in the hell, should folks continue to smoke, to make thesevpeople comfortable? It's almost as if they are pimping out the body, counting on the addiction, to keep money in their pockets.

Whatever happened to, "Wow, I can't make that product.somebody might get hurt." I know times are hard and it's difficult to even suggest to folks that they refuse work when so many are unemployed, looking for work, and or currently suffering because they don't have an income or even a job prospect. It's a little difficult to work out ethics and morals when you're hungry or your children are starving. I get it. Trust me.

I just wonder what the hell happened to "I AM MY BROTHERS/SISTERS KEEPER"???

The ultimate message that I am trying to share is, "These people who are manipluating
addictions (no matter what it is) don't care about you or me in the least bit. It's time that
we stop the bullshit and get a grip on our sensibilities." 
They are killing us with our help!!!


If we can't think of any other reason to quit or stay quit, let this be one...

It's not okay, to produce a product, that kills people.

Stepping down off of my Soap Box. Putting Soap Box in my big purse and taking a huge cleansing breath.

I apologize for the profanity. I am frustrated by what I see. It's as if humanity is on a decline. And it's not like aliens or animals are doing this to us....we are doing it to ourselves.

Much Love to My Rocktober Family....wherever you may be in the world.

Shout out to my Rocktober Family in Japan/China. *smiling & waving!!*

A Huge Huge Welcome to Scotty Caile, Olivia Justus, and Barjo!!
Thanks for coming along for the ride... :o)

Stay Strong, Stay Quit, Stay Empowered, Stay Encouraged
One Human Love,
Obi. :o)