Thursday, December 1, 2011

"What A Difference A Day Makes......."

Twenty four little hours....brought the sun and the showerrrsss....where there use to be rain....."

Ah, yes. I was, "Hotter than July," last night. LOL. Everything worked out well. I shared my concerns, raised my eyebrow, without raising my voice, offered the resolution, and BAM!!! It's DONE!! It's a WRAP!! NEXT!!! Just kidding. lol.

Everything went well and all hearts were clear after the discussion. I was professional, as I always am, however I can be very direct (yet respectful) when I need to. Deep breathing and visualization go along way when dealing with folk who are your polar opposite in so many ways.

So many things ran through my mind today.

Yanno, I don't care for Reality TV and I don't watch it. I think it's just another form of dumbing folks down. But here's the kicker, I can tell you what's happening on at least three of those shows. How's that, you say? Well, when I log onto the Internet, I am bombarded with "news" (if you can call it that..) about what's on TV/Cable and what's HOT. Now, I know I can change my settings. I've done that several times. However, in some way, shape or form, stuff or information that I don't want to see, seems to find its way to me.

How does this relate to My Quit? Well, this is yet another way, we have been psycho-slapped into smoking/relapsing/not quitting. Ever watch movies where it seems like everyone in the flick is smoking? Or better still, ever open a magazine and the ciggy Ad is just so damn appealing?

It's not by accident. We are bombarded when we least expect it. Did you know that The Flintstones even had an Ad about smoking back in the day? (Ugh!!) Well, they did. Who watched cartoons back in the day, even if they were on in the evening? Hmm? Right, you guessed it. We did.

Now get this, I log on today and I see that via our phones, Shopping Malls are tracking shoppers while they move about in the mall. WHAT?!? LOL. Seriously, did we really believe that this WASN'T going to happen?

A few years ago, I was watching one of my favorite programs (Frontline) and there was an episode called, "The Persuaders". This episode let me know, that there is a serious battle out here, where knowing our habits is crucial to the success of many companies.

They even try to "predict" what we will do, so they will know what products to shove in front of our faces. It is a serious science knowing what words, what colors, what scents to use, to get us to spend money. Now, if they will do all of that with merchandise and food, what's to stop them from doing it with ciggy's?

Be alert, my Smokeless/NicoFree family. We can prepare for the triggers we can see, it's the hidden triggers that we have to watch out for. 

I've added a link to the Frontline episode, "The Persuaders." Let me know what you think.

Big Shout Out to my "Rocktober '11"family, where-ever you may be.

Peace, Love, and NicoFreedom, dammit!!! Power to the People!! :o)

Waughndaye aka Obi-Waughn *wink*

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