Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Coffee, Tea, or Me; 2 Months Smoke Free!!" :o)

Yessssssssssssss!! December 27th, 2011. I have arrived at the two month mark of My Quit.
I am thankful and humbled by this entire process. I am thankful to the God of my understanding. I'm thankful to and for the many folks whom I have met via the blog, My Quit Group, and folks who have been encouraging in my daily walk. Thank you, to the folks whom (and you know who you are) have sent emails and shared the most heart warming and thoughtful expressions.

We All Will Stay Quit, Together!!!! Believe it!!! :o)

You know, I've said this before but, I strongly believe that we, human beings, are here to help each other make it through life.Think about it, who else is here to help us, but us? I think there are some among us who get it real wrong by trying to hurt his or her fellow man by harming them for material gain. Materials that can't go with them when they close their eyes to this realm.

I'm not against folks having nice things. Heck, I like nice things and on some days, I might be considered somewhat of a Diva..BUT!!!!..I do not believe that how I live or what I want, should come at the expense or discomfort of another person. *shruggin shoulders*..I just don't.

I feel it's more advantageous if we work WITH the cycle of life, as opposed to working against it. That means sharing, caring, growing, expanding, in respect for our differences, but in agape love for our human unity, in grace, humility, and with dignity. I don't know about you guys, but I believe this can happen without killing people, be it through wars, poverty, or silent warfare,
on the many through addictions like nicotine, caffeine, illegal drugs, over the counter medications, frankenfood; Wait, let me get down off my soap box (stilettos and protests don't mix well ~*grin*)
I really don't mean to get all religious or anything, because I don't really see myself as a "religious" person. I've always viewed myself as more spiritual. The reason for that is, I prefer to remain open, in terms of hearing what folks have to say about how they feel or what they wish for or what they hope for. This is strictly my opinion, but I don't feel I can do that if I put up artificial barriers.

Anyhoo, I am feeling a shift in my thinking. Like I've shared before, I'm not a Buddhist. I am however, starting to gain a deeper understanding of Mindfulness as it relates to My Quit. Being in a state of Mindfulness has made me hyper aware of what my triggers are and the process that surrounds them. I've gotten to the point where I anticipate my urges based upon my behavior. What's cool about that is, I can act quickly to quell the urge OR I can, WAM-TIT-BIO-LIP,
not to be confused with, "Dammit, I Bit My Lip," (The hell you say????)
Wait A Minute, Think It Through, Breathe It Out, and Let It Pass. WAM-TIT-BIO-LIP.

Warned ya. While I am going to have serious moments, I refuse to let My Quit get dull. I am going to have fun learning, listening, sharing, and Staying Quit. This is MY QUIT, I own it and dammit I'll laugh if I want to. "It's My Quit and I'll laugh if I want to, laugh if I want to, laugh if I want to..You should laugh too, if you're Quitting for youuuuu!!..." God Bless poetic license..lololol.

Peace, Love, & Freedom to My Rocktober Family
where-ever in the world, you may be.

To Everyone thinking about Quitting and to those early in Your Quit,
Take it one day at a time, my lovelies!! You CAN do it!!

"We're Bringin' Smokeless Baaack!"
(to Justin Timberlake's, SexyBack..)

"SEXY & NicoFree ~ Not One Puff Evah, Baby!!!"

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