When I got in the car, I couldn't help but think to myself, "These ciggy makers are, "In it to win it," and killing us in the process." As a former smoker, the thought of having to see these displays, pissed me off to a certain degree. I remember when I first quit, I avoided that store at first, and then, I had to fight my thoughts of purchasing ciggs, while I stood in line. It's terrible that this is something that I, and many other folks, will have to endure for the rest of our lives, as ex-smokers.
What about folks who are having an extra hard time with their quit? Is that really fair to them, that while standing in line, they are reminded visually about a former habit? One that they are trying to kick, I might add? That's like hanging packets of weed or cocaine or whatever at the cash register, knowing that a rehab center is just down the street.
I think that we can all do something about this, if we take the time to re-position our bodies OR our eyes, while in line. Imagine the layout of the store, particularly the counter where the cash register is. There are a lot of small areas to focus on. We can focus on the back of the cash register, we can do a silent prayer or mantra (I perform the Daimoku in my head), the cashiers name or company logo on his or her shirt (no lusty looks at the busty ladies, fellas!! And no "crotch watch" ladies!! whew...lolololol). We can look at the floor, OR WAIT, we can Kegal! Seriously, no one knows you're doing it except you, and it WILL take your mind off of being forced to look at the ciggy's.
I think what may have put me in a defensive mood about the positioning of the ciggs in the store, was reading a post about relapse. I felt so bad for the person who had relapsed. It bothers me for a few reasons when folks relapse, and none of the reasons have to do with them failing or being weak. I've come to the conclusion that all it takes is the right combination of time, place, and circumstance for a relapse.
For example: You've just had a fall out with your significant other. You happen to go to the store to get some milk (not ciggs, initially) and when you're standing in line, to check out. BAM! The urge to smoke hits you because you SEE them, and it triggers something in you to purchase them to take the edge off how you're feeling.
Here is my question: How the heck can that be YOUR choice to purchase, when YOU didn't have total control of the variables in your ability to chose on your own? See, I'm starting to pay close attention to how everything is marketed to us, not just ciggy's.
If a company or person, has significantly marginalized your ability to make a conscious decision for yourself, by tweaking the variables, was it honestly your choice to begin with, to make the purchase OR were you coerced on a subliminal level?
I think that this is something to think about, and something to apply when planning to Quit or Stay Quit. For those who may be reading this and thinking about smoking, consider this; The feeling of guilt will last longer than the rush of dopamine. Is it worth it in the long run, when the urge doesn't last for more than five minutes?
However for those who may have relapsed recently, listen; DO NOT beat yourself up. Instead, take a deep breath; cry if you need to; shake it off and re-evaluate your Quit Plan. This part is critical; Add the circumstances that lead to your relapse so that you will be aware, IF similar circumstances start to arise so that you will be better prepared to handle it.
GET BACK in the game and remember; It's not how many times we fall off, family, it's about how many times we GET BACK UP, DUST OURSELVES OFF, and KEEP TRYING!!!!
Peace, Love, & NicoFreedom!!
To everyone who has Quit, thinking about Quitting, or working up to the Quit Date
You have the Power to Make This Happen.
To my Rocktober '11 Family, where-ever in the world you may be-
Stay Strong & Stay Sexy-Smokeless!!
~ "We're Bringin' Smokeless Baaacckkk..." ~
Not One Puff Evah, Baby!!!!!!
Obi-Waughndaye :o)
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