In an effort to be as forthright as I can, about quitting, I'm going to share one of the first things I did while preparing for MY QUIT. See, part of my goal with MY QUIT, is to de-mystify the process, so that folks won't think it's easier or harder than it truly is.
When it comes to Quitting, one of the things I strongly believe is, as Yoda said, "Do, or do not, there is no try." That may sound harsh, but there is a reason for it. There is value in the struggle to improve ourselves.
I decided that I needed to perform a Mental Detoxification for myself. What that means is, I had to clean my mind of the junky thoughts I had, concerning smoking. I had to get real with myself, and make the hard self statements.
The following are some of the statements that I came up with for My Mental Detox. You can come up with your own. Yes, I still go back and read them from time to time.
1. The woman you are becoming, does not smoke.
2. You are trying to reclaim that woman who quit before and who was a vegetarian, remember her?
The one who you consistently ask about her whereabouts?
3. Your chest hurts. Your back hurts. Your heart is feeling funny when you smoke.
4. Your throat hurts when you speak for long periods of time.
5. The inner part of your nostrils smell horrible.
6. You did not come into the world smoking, so you can stop.
7. Take very small steps once you stop. It all starts with one step. Seconds lead to minutes, Minutes lead to Hours, Hours lead to Days, Days lead to Weeks, Weeks lead to Months, and Months lead to Years.
8. Don’t be a slave to the corporations who are relying on your unconsciousness. Common sense tells you not to eat or drink poison. Think deeply about what you are doing and the mind f*ck that’s being played on you, for you to keep doing it.
9. You are a strong woman. Your mind is strong. Once Waughndaye makes up her mind, she sticks with it. You are not weak. Your Mind controls your Body. Your mind is in control, not the cravings.
10. It’s going to hurt. Don’t fear the hurt, it’s a part of the healing. Embrace the pain, take it like a Trooper, and know that it will not last. Every time you feel the withdrawal, know that it is the nicotine and chemicals screaming because they are dying - SO LET THEM DIE!
11. You’ve done this before. Remember the anguish you went through before? The mind f*ck that you went through? The subliminal bullsh*t?
12. Don’t look back, with regret or doubt that you're doing the right thing.
It may sound corny, but what Yoda is teaching Luke Skywalker, is critical to what we must learn, as individuals who are kicking nicotine.
Take a moment to really listen to what Yoda is saying, and contemplate what it really means.
I'm sleepy now. I am going to lay down.
Peace, Love, & Freedom
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