So, for those who have been following the Blog since the beginning,
you know that today is the first year of my REAL QUIT!!
My sixth year quit, is actually my first time being quit for
more than five years during a QUIT.
While I feel totally awesome about my accomplishment, I am equally
saddened and broken hearted.
I’m not sure what cruel joke fate
has on my life, but as some of you may remember, as I approached my first year
quit in 2012, a member of my family passed away from breast cancer.
It was devastating.
The irony here is, as I approached
my sixth year quit, another one of my loved ones was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer back in June of this year.
I don’t want to make this about
me, but I can’t help but wonder why this is happening again.
I thank the God of my
Understanding that I haven’t been triggered to smoke as a coping mechanism. It hasn't even been tempting and it never crossed my mind.
I’m still practicing yoga five
times a week. It truly has changed my outlook on life and it has helped me with my perspective on many things.
I want to once again, share with
anyone who is reading this and who is trying to quit; you can do this. You have to do it for you, not
anyone else. Not because you hear folks ragging on you to quit, but because you
really want to do it for yourself.
Guess what? You may fall off the
wagon a few times. That’s alright. What you’ve actually learned is how to
recognize another trigger. Once you understand what makes you smoke, you can
create new coping skills to avoid those things, as best you can, which make you
want smoke.
I can’t reiterate enough that your
quit has to be about YOU. Don’t let
anyone dictate your quit or judge how you’re doing.
If it takes you one try, three or ten,
Blogging actually helped me during my first year to exorcise some of the stress I was going through at the time.
It's important to have a support system for those things in life that we sometimes, just can't handle alone. It's okay to ask for help.
Just like with a Quit. Sometimes you need a support team to help you. I did. At the time, had a Smoking Cessation Board. I met the most AWESOME people there.
I pray that wherever they are in the world, that they are doing better than well.
If you would like some suggestions, go back to the beginning and read through my first year.
I'm sleepy now. I've been crying for most of the morning, thinking about my loved one and all that she is going through.
If you're reading this and you care to, please pray for my loved one and our family.
Until Next Time, Stay Strong Beloveds
Hugs, Love, and Healing Energy to the World
(For Those Who Are Open to Receive It.)
One Human Love
(For Those Who Are Open to Receive It.)
One Human Love
Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom."
"Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power.
"Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power.
”Lao Tzu ~ The Tao Te Ching
MQM:CT MQD:10.27.2011:12:01:AM QBG:PROUD MEMBER, "ROCKTOBERS '11 !!"
MQM:CT MQD:10.27.2011:12:01:AM QBG:PROUD MEMBER, "ROCKTOBERS '11 !!"
Peace, Love, & Freedom to My Rocktober Family where-ever in the world you may be.
To Everyone thinking about Quitting and to those early on in their Quit, take it one day at a time, my lovelies!!
QQ You CAN do it!!
"We're Bringin' Smokeless Baaack!"
(to Justin Timberlake's, SexyBack..)
"Not One Puff Evah, Baby!!!"
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