Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Four Years Ago....


It's been four years?


It's been four years since I made that first post putting myself on notice that I QUIT POISONING my body. Sometimes I go read my first blog and recall how afraid but determined I was. 

Over the years I have hoped and prayed that this blog has helped someone to at least start the process of at least visualizing themselves as a QUITTER!!!

If you're still on the fence about QUITTING that's cool. Push on to see yourself as a person who doesn't need to poison yourself to feel wonderful.

Humbled to the God of my Understanding for giving me the courage and determination to stay right where in this place of freedom from nicotine.

You can do it if you want to. Remember that!

On to year five - This my loves will be the real test.

One Human Love

Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom."
"Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power.

Lao Tzu ~ The Tao Te Ching
CT MQD:10.27.2011:12:01:AM QBG:PROUD MEMBER, "ROCKTOBERS '11 !!"

Peace, Love, & Freedom to My Rocktober Family where-ever in the world you may be.
To Everyone thinking about Quitting and to those early on in their Quit, take it one day at a time, my lovelies!!
QQ You CAN do it!!
"We're Bringin' Smokeless Baaack!"
(to Justin Timberlake's, SexyBack..)

 "SEXY & NicoFree" 
"Not One Puff Evah, Baby!!!"

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