Thursday, July 16, 2015

Here Comes the Judge....

Yesterday, I heard from a buddy who I hadn’t heard from in a while. He was sharing an experience he had with me. He told me that he had fallen off the wagon with excessive spending.  As I read his email,   I felt this sense of heaviness, as read the words he was shared. After I returned salutations and updates, I sat with my thoughts for a while. I realized what the feeling was. The weight I felt was judgment. Through everything he shared, there was this feeling that because he had relapsed into excessive spending again, that somehow he wasn’t worthy, or that he wasn’t as good a person as he was when he had his spending under control.

As I thought longer, and after sending affirmations to my buddy, I began to consider the judgment that comes with being a smoker and then deciding to give it up.

My Lovelies I want to talk with you today about judgment.
People judge smokers by saying things like, “Kissing you would be like kissing an ashtray,” or “When are you gonna give up that nasty ass habit?” or what I used to get all the time, “Wow you don’t look like a smoker.”  Which would lead me to say, “Well what the hell does a smoker look like?” (Serious eye roll action)
As human beings, we are always judging something or someone. Even though it states in the Bible “Judge not, that ye not be judged,” we do it religiously. He’s too short or she’s too fat, or he looks broke, or she looks like a snob, did she graduate from an Ivy League school? We do it all the time.
As it relates to your Quit, don’t permit ANYONE to judge you and how you’re coming along. Don’t let anyone talk down to you, about how many years you smoked before you Quit. Don’t let anyone bully you into smoking again by saying things like, “Quitting is for cowards.” And don’t let anyone shame your Quit by saying things like, “Well damn, it took you long enough to Quit.” And should you relapse? Please, please, please, do not even bother staying around people who want to see you start smoking again, or the people who say dumb sh%t like, “Oh damn, I knew you weren’t gonna last long.” As a matter of fact, if anyone who says they care about you says that to you, DUMP THEM Quick, Fast, and In A Hurry.  That person does not truly care about you or your health.
And for goodness sake don’t beat yourself up. Sometimes, we can be our own worst judge and jury. We make up stories about who we are and we BELIEVE these stories and most times they aren’t even true or based on anything in reality.
This Quit is about YOU and no one else. Sure there are plenty of folks who will be here to help you, but at the end of the day, this is about how you want to live in the future. This is about your health. This is about stepping into that person you want to be. If that person you want to be, is a person who still smokes, then that person will move along as a smoker. But if that person is a non-smoker then he or she will have to embrace a new way of living as a non-smoker one day at a time.
It can be done My Lovelies.

Let no one stand in judgement of your journey – and that includes YOU!
Until next time-Stay Strong!!
Sending Hugs, Love, and Healing Energy to the World
(For those who are open to receive it.)

One Human Love

Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom."
"Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power.
Lao Tzu ~ The Tao Te Ching
CT MQD:10.27.2011:12:01:AM QBG:PROUD MEMBER, "ROCKTOBERS '11 !!"
Peace, Love, & Freedom to My Rocktober Family where-ever in the world you may be.
To Everyone thinking about Quitting and to those early on in their Quit, take it one day at a time, my lovelies!!
 You CAN do it!!
"We're Bringin' Smokeless Baaack!"
(to Justin Timberlake's, SexyBack..)

 "SEXY & NicoFree" 
"Not One Puff Evah, Baby!!!"


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