Well whatdayaknow? Five years later and thanks be to the The God of my Understanding, I am still Smoke Free.
I really wish I could explain the joy I feel today. I am thankful moreso than proud of my journey.
Life is constantly changing and sometimes, what occurs can bring us to our knees.
When I look back on this day, I remember how afraid yet determined I was.
When I encounter challenges now, I employ the same strategy that I utilized five years ago.
I plan, I visualize, I strategize, and I go for it.
Who knew five years ago, that I would be practicing Yoga four times a week.
I don't want to give anyone the idea that my life is perfect. It's not. It's far from perfect. I am just happy to be where I am and who I am becoming. I owe that to my decision to stop smoking. The journey taught me how strong I was despite the many challenges that came my way during my first year journey.
I do want to give everyone who wants to quit, the idea that if you really WANT to, you too can QUIT if you figure out that this is coming from deep inside. I do want to encourage you to at least to start thinking about what you want for your life, especially if that means you want to be a QUITTER like me.
I want to Shout Out my Rocktober's 11 Family. We all quit together in 2011. If you're reading this, please know that I miss you all so much and I think of everyone especially in the Spring and especially during our Anniversary.
Please know that these wonderful folks played a HUGE part in my recovery and my ability to maintain my QUIT. I miss the comradery.
As I've written before, I have QUIT for five years before. I am excited about staying Quit after five years. Tomorrow will be my first day of my test to stay QUIT for six years, which is something I have never done since I started and QUIT.
Onward and Upward.
Remember. I am certain, that if YOU want to, YOU CAN DO THIS.
Go to Day 1 on this blog (October 27 2011), which is five years ago, and read for your self. Laugh-Cry-Enjoy what you read. I really want to Pay It Forward to everyone who needs it.
Until Next Time-Stay Strong
Hugs, Love, and Healing Energy to the World
(For Those Who Are Open to Receive It.)
One Human Love
Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom."
"Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power.
"Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power.
”Lao Tzu ~ The Tao Te Ching
MQM:CT MQD:10.27.2011:12:01:AM QBG:PROUD MEMBER, "ROCKTOBERS '11 !!"
MQM:CT MQD:10.27.2011:12:01:AM QBG:PROUD MEMBER, "ROCKTOBERS '11 !!"
Peace, Love, & Freedom to My Rocktober Family where-ever in the world you may be.
To Everyone thinking about Quitting and to those early on in their Quit, take it one day at a time, my lovelies!!
QQ You CAN do it!!
"We're Bringin' Smokeless Baaack!"
(to Justin Timberlake's, SexyBack..)
"Not One Puff Evah, Baby!!!"