Reflections in the Sun........
So, I go hang out in NYC this past weekend, which is one of my favorite places in the world to be. I wanted to visit with friends, just hang out, do a little personal celebrating because of a special day, and of course, shopping. :o)
We're having a good time and a friend says to me, "You're really uptight". I ignore her and think to myself, "Compared to what?" The weekend goes on and she makes another reference to me needing to relax. She then says, "You need to smoke a cigarette."
I didn't respond to the comment. While I know it was said in jest, I also thought it was a bone-headed, careless thing to say, considering she knew that I had quit smoking 8 (in a few days) months ago. I mean, I would never tell a former coke addict, "You need to snort a line," or tell a recovering alcoholic, "Damn, you're uptight, you need to take a drink."
Would YOU do that? I didn't think so!!
It tells me that people really don't take nicotine addiction seriously. They think, "Oh, you can stop any time you want to," thus you can pick it up at a moments notice and then drop it.
People like me, who are addicted to nicotine, cannot just stop and start at random. That isn't how it works. Just because nicotine isn't cocaine, marijuana, heroine, alcohol, pills, etc., does not mean it's any less addictive OR dangerous.
People die from smoking. Does anyone get that? Or better still, does anyone really give a rats patootey, that people are dying needless deaths from nicotine addiction.
If and when I am in this person's company again, I will respond to her by saying, "Just like you need to stop _______________" I'll fill in the blank when the time comes.
See, here's the thing; I'm not careless with my recovery and damn it, no one else will be careless with it either.
I did not come this far in My Quit, with the help of family, friends, and the wonderful folk who send well wishes via email, the blog, and My Rocktober Family, to let some person, who was careless with her words, throw me for a loop.
Hell No, We Won't Go (back to smoking)!!!
Why, you ask? Well...because.....
"We're Bringin' Smokeless Back!! Those folks still smokin' don't know how to act!! Take it to the bridge!!"
Remember, I may not post every day, but I am here, fighting the good fight, right along with you to STAY QUIT One Day At A Time!
One Love to my Rocktober Family, where-ever in the world you may be.
One Huge Hug filled with Love and Forgiveness to the World
(for those who are willing to accept it.)
Obi :o)
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